The Laughing Cow Lightest Loaded Quesadilla

Try Dad’s loaded low-fat salsa quesadillas with The Laughing Cow Lightest x8 cheese.

Tomato, Tofu and Avocado

The Italian tricolor? A caprese salad? But it’s not mozzarella – it’s tofu. Tofu and avocado are a match made in heaven – so can the partnership be more inclusive ? Absolutely.

Really Easy Mexican Ranch Style Eggs

There are more authentic versions of the classic Mexican Heuvos Rancheros elsewhere on this site, but this is for knocking up in flash on a weekend morning.

Nduja Crostini

I was blown away by a nduja pizza I had in London. So naturally, I bought some the next time I was in my Italian deli…

Roman Artichokes

This is one of the best ways to enjoy artichokes. I got these artichokes from Kingston Market – they’re fresh in from Italy.

Dad’s Californian Salad with Artichokes and Fresh Vegetables

A delicious salad of fresh vegetables, typical of those grown in my childhood home!

Nasi Goreng

This famous Indonesian fried rice dish is great for breakfast, brunch or lunch.

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