These bars are delicious. They are full of good things but low in added sugar and added fats. They’re packed with natural fruit, nuts and grains so they could be called an ‘energy’ bar. But my real motivation was to create an intense cholesterol-busing snack bar. Using the NHS Choices website as inspiration I have included foods high in unsaturated fat, such as groundnut oil, nuts and seeds and foods high in fibre, such as, dried and fresh fruit, wheat germ, oat bran and oats. Oats in particular are reported to be beneficial to lowing cholesterol, I imagine oats rather like a sponge travelling through the gut mopping up all that bad cholesterol as it carries it away as waste. Other reports suggest chocolate (in moderation) promotes good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol. Using cacao nibs increases fibre and has no added sugar or fat. There is saturated fat in cacao but most of this is stearic acid which does not raise bad cholesterol levels.
May 28, 2017 — Healthy
Chocolate Snack Bars
- 45 minutes
- easy